Many key players in the stock market field, organizations, and media, as well as several of France's leading issuers are committed to financial education and innovation by supporting the Next Challenge!
Through this unique competition, our partners and sponsors benefit from a direct opportunity to interact with students interested in finance and to support
the next generation of investors.

NextWise has developed strategic partnerships with several institutions in France, including our key partner, Université Paris Dauphine - PSL, which has played a crucial role in the success of each edition of the Next Challenge from the beginning of this exciting journey.

Believing in the unique educational value of integrating theory with practice, several IAE schools have incorporated the Next Challenge into their curricula, making it a requirement for graduation.

This challenge allows students to apply the knowledge gained in the classroom, develop practical skills, and face real-world situations. It thus serves as a genuine bridge between their academic training and future professional life, enhancing their ability to solve concrete problems and innovate in a competitive environment.

Iconic figures in student life, many Associations and Clubs from business schools, engineering schools, and universities across France have partnered with NextWise. They unite their efforts around the Next Challenge, bringing together engaged students to create a dynamic and collaborative network.